Constitution Pi [C-pi] is the originating or founding declaration of Peoples who seek to establish a global Binary Governance ... [see Earth-1 We The People]. INC-gv elaborates these principles.
In short, People - who are floundering in an ever increasingly complex world of regulations and hierarchical governance - may be striving to create a world decision-making body that links directly to them as individuals.
This direct democratic zeal is not impractical. Some nations - such as Switzerland - do, already, incorporate a significant level of direct democracy into their government operations.
Hence, is it so irrational or impractical to envision a world - where electronic communications with cell phone and electronic pad capabilities do provide significant illustrations that we ARE technologically capable, today, to have a universal enfranchisement of the electorate; who CAN participate in voting on international law issues ???
WHY not envision the isolated and impoverished parent in Somalia, or, Mongolia, voting on global issues with other parents all around the world ... ???
This, then becomes binary governance - where the direct democratic vote is compared with the UN's representative vote ... What's the harm in comparison ... ???